Menopause Resources

Ah, the quest for menopause solutions – feels like a maze, doesn't it? Let me guide you through it. I've rounded up useful links, engaging menopause resources, specific topics, and thrown in my favourite menopause lifesavers. Consider this your menopause toolkit – that’s updated regularly.


Whether you’re cruising through menopause or caught off guard, these easy-to-read guides
are your perfect starting point for all things menopause.







Menopause with Grace Monthly Newsletter

Menopause with Grace

Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to the GPS for your midlife adventure – and mine.

The Fan Club, my monthly newsletter, is the spot for real talk, research, and the juiciest menopause
updates - all for free. We’ve all got questions about menopause (yep, even me!) so I’m cutting
through the chaos by covering specific topics each month.





“I liked talking about something that doesn't get much air time. And that these conversations are the beginning of a journey.”

The Fan Club

Community member

Can't find

what you need?

Join The Fan Club! I might tackle your topic
next month. Or, hit me up with a burning
request – I’m all ears.

Menopause Podcast

Dive into these fab podcast eps (featuring yours truly). Tune in for some
laughs, insights, and my mission to give menopause a serious makeover!



FREE 3-Step
Menopause Plan

Perimenopause snuck up on you? Been there. Needing a master plan? Got you covered! Here’s my free 3-Step Menopause Plan – your roadmap to decoding your body, mastering those hormones, and taking control of your journey. It's easy, actionable, and ready when you are!

Get your copy here

A Few Of My

Favourite Things

Here’s my go-to menopause resources to
make your experience that little bit smoother.



Repair Manual

Make this book your menopause musthave!

Dr. Lara Briden breaks down everything: the what, the how and the why. Plus, a handy reference table for remedies to support your symptoms, and tips on chatting with your GP.


Bioblends Daily Greens and Radiant Reds

Your gut is the centre of your internal universe. It’s time to glow from the inside out and support your body through hormone changes by nourishing your gut microbiome.

No cooking required - no excuses!



Who says menopausal women can’t be sexy?

If you’re a D cup plus,

let Brava change your world with the perfect fit. Luxurious, comfortable and so bloody stylish.

This is step one to regaining your libido – time to get your sexy on, gals.


Balance App

Neuroscience backed and a game-changer for not only menopause but also stressful modern life.

It’s an all-in-one spot for menopause info and a personal journal where you can record your daily symptoms and start taking charge of your menopausal journey.

Too Legit To Quit

If menopause is making a grand entrance, then so am I.
Here’s some of my latest and greatest highlights – ‘coz
nobody puts baby in the corner.


Winner ISG Woman in Digital Woman’s Advocate 2023


9th Woman in Operations Leadership Summit - Case Study Courageous Conversations


12th Woman in Leadership Summit - Case Study Educating a male dominant workforce

I’ve held Workplace Menopause Workshops with…

I deliver menopause learnings live in the flesh, too.

Find out how you can work with me here.

“This session was a

first of its kind and so useful. Menopause is a very sensitive topic, but Grace delivered it so effectively ”

Workplace Workshop Participant

“This session was a

first of its kind and so useful. Menopause is a very sensitive topic, but Grace delivered it so effectively ”

Workplace Workshop Participant

Become a Menopause with Grace Insider

Get the latest news, menopause research, and the stuff I geek out over straight to your inbox
each month. It’s free, no spam, and you can bail whenever you want.

Other Menopause

A word of warning these sites are a bit of a menopause vortex –
easy to get lost, but worth it for extra support and guidance.

Australasian Menopause Society: Credible, evidence-based info, helpful articles and a list of trusted healthcare practitioners.

Meno Martha: The world’s only evidence-based, global menopause directory.

Jean Hailes: An Aussie not-for-profit serving up practical, easy-to-understand info for women and health professionals, with a focus on research, clinical services, and policy.

Balance: The world’s largest menopause library, filled with medically-approved content. Their app is a game-changer, too!

International Menopause Society: Brings together the world’s leading experts to collaborate and share knowledge about all aspects of aging in women.

Women’s Health Concern: An independent and confidential service, offering advice and reassurance on gynaecological, sexual, and post-reproductive health.

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