My boobs grew airbags
My boobs grew airbags.
It’s no secret that when it comes to menopause, I’m my own personal guinea pig.
Trial and error all the way, baby.
But something totally unexpected just went down…
HRT and I? Not exactly BFFs anymore.
Once upon a time, we were tight. Back in my early peri-menopausal haze, I hopped on the HRT train faster than you can say “hot flash.” Those estrogen patches and progesterone replacements were like magic for my mood swings and night sweats.
It was a short-lived fling, but boy, what a game-changer.
Fast forward to today.
Bloating. Boobs have turned into full-blown airbags.
And my belly… let’s just say I’m not mistaken for being pregnant, but it’s definitely pushing the boundaries.
HRT, seriously, what happened???
Is it you? Is it me? Did we just outgrow each other?
Grow being the operative word 😵💫
I had such high hopes for beating this beastly brain fog, but these side effects are getting way
out of hand.
So, I’ve taken a break.
And what do I get at the 2-week mark? Thrush! Yep, my old arch-nemesis decides to drop by.
Perfect timing – my dating life was just getting interesting.
On the bright side, my boobs are deflating, but the belly needs serious intervention (Rosé, I'm looking at you).
A friend of mine went through the exact same bloating and weight gain saga, but she toughed it out like a champ for 6 months. Meanwhile, I threw in the towel after just 2!
Being the curious sleuth I am, I had to investigate.
Turns out, I went for the Estragel and progesterone pill combo, while she opted for the oral route with both. Also, my first stint with HRT was all about those fancy patches. But this time? No dice – thanks to a WORLDWIDE SHORTAGE!!!
Since hitting pause;
Brain fog? Steady as she goes
Sleep? Not exactly dreamy
Stress levels? Through the roof
Vagina? In hell!
Now, to be clear, I’m not here to bash HRT. There’s a mountain of data on the pros, cons, and risks.
But I wanted to be honest about my experience, in case a) you’ve experienced something similar and b) you’ve found a better solution.
If that’s the case, email me ASAP!
I’m not calling it quits on HRT yet. Patches are back in stock this month, so I’m giving them another shot, monitoring symptoms and reporting back next month.
If I find a winning formula, you’ll be the first to know.
Stay tuned.
Gettin’ vocal on mental health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month (for my US friends), a topic I’m an open book about (okay fine, I’m an open book on everything!)
But seriously, I’m a big believer in sharing because it chips away at the shame and stigma that often lurk around these topics.
With a family history of mental health disorders, I should technically be popping antidepressants like they’re a packet of M&M’s. For a good chunk of the past 15 years, I did just that – on and off the meds. But then came my menopause awakening, where I ditched the pills (with my GPs’s support) for lifestyle changes, and surprisingly, it worked (it doesn’t for everybody).
Funny thing is, the last couple of years have been some of the hardest in my life, and I got through it all with nada – no antidepressants, not even HRT.
Now I’m left wondering, was it my hormones to blame all this time?
The jury’s still out on that one.
I’m grateful to bid farewell to antidepressants, but major bouts of anxiety still knock on my door.
The heart-pounding, breath-stealing kind, usually wakes me in the middle of the night (or early hours of the morning). Not the alarm clock I had in mind, but I digress.
For me, the only thing that works is exercise and deep breaths. After 30 mins of fast-paced walking, mostly on my trusty treadmill, I feel immediately better – almost like it never happened. Oh, and a daily dose of magnesium helps.
In this month’s wrap-up, I’ve rustled up some fantastic resources on HRT and menopause-related mental health issues – two meaty topics to chew on. Here’s to finding what works best for you.
Until next month

HRT: How long does it take to work?
Get the full low-down on HRT; how long it takes to work, signs that it is or isn’t working, when to tweak the dosage, side effects to expect, and even how to stop using it safely. Plus, there’s some handy FAQs that might just solve your burning question.
Unpacking those moody blues
Mental health issues during perimenopause? WellFemme founder Dr. Kelly Teagle and psychologist Hilary Sargeant break it down for us – what triggers these issues, sneaky signs to watch for, plus medical treatments and support available. They’ve even whipped up a video for
the visual learners out there.
Even the experts are blindsided
GP and menopause specialist Dr. Louise Newson covers HRT in great depth on this episode of The Imperfects podcast. She's all about the facts: how our bodies change when we go years without hormones, why diet and lifestyle changes have limits and the biggest surprise? Even she didn't realise she was perimenopausal! 🤯 Tune in, it's a goodie!
Which HRT is right for you?
HRT can be confusing – I’m a prime example. Should you use a tablet, patch, or something else?
How do you choose which type is best for you? Decisions, decisions! Dr. Lucy Wilkinson demystifies it all, from the different types of HRT to helping you find a suitable option.
Oh, and for those taking anti-depressants, you can take HRT and antidepressants together, but consult your doctor on the best combination for you.