Chin hairs, happiness and yelling into the void
Chin hairs, happiness and yelling into the void.
Last week I discovered something horrifying.
My chin hairs have multiplied.
Wtf? Are we growing beards now?
I thought losing testosterone as we age made us less hairy?!
Serves me right for using my reading glasses and magnifying mirror to go hunting for things on my face. Turns out there’s more holes and craters than a NASA moon landing.
Note to self: put down the mirror, Grace!
I also had to report for Jury Duty. I doubt the legal system ever considered menopausal women determining someone’s fate. If you thought prison was tough, try surviving a panel of moody, irrational, angry, and occasionally bearded women.
When people talk about ‘living your best life’ I’ve decided this ain’t it: stuck on a jury, covertly plucking my chin hairs, and wishing I was literally anywhere else. Definitely a vibe killer for March that’s supposed to celebrate International Women’s Day, Easter, and the International Day of Happiness. (Oh and my birthday!)
Oh, and happiness? We need to talk.
Chemically speaking, we’re not exactly winning during perimenopause. The hormones in charge of our menstrual cycle also influence serotonin, aka, the “happiness chemical.” When our hormone levels drop, serotonin takes a nosedive too, leaving us with increased irritability, anxiety, and sadness.
Sadly, the reality for many menopausal women is reluctantly accepting and suffering through the transition. But not me! This month, I’m on a mission to figure out how I can do better. How do I make smarter choices during this period of my life?
I’m diving into these 8 things to reclaim my joy, starting with number 5: going back on HRT.
Because I’ve been reading about the long-term benefits of it (thanks Dr. Mary)
My memory and brain fog have reached legendary levels of bad, and I need all the help I can get.
This year, I’m determined to turn focus into a superpower. As a single Mum, bad decisions are a luxury I can’t afford. Plus, dementia and mental illness run in my family with pretty devastating outcomes – so, if HRT can give me a fighting chance against dementia, count me in!
Sure, the pursuit of happiness, or even the pursuit of better decision-making is not all glitz and glamour. Sometimes, it’s just plain old hard work! But I’m happy to embrace the grind and be having the conversation with you.
Speaking of conversations…
The hot topic this month is International Women’s Day (IWD). And this year's theme “Count Her In: Invest In Women” is gold.
But it hit me – as women, we’re already nailing the art of talking to each other. The events leading up to IWD? Packed with fabulous women and only a sprinkle of brave men. So, are we just having a party and patting ourselves on the back?
I feel the same about menopause (although I’ll talk about it endlessly to anyone who will listen).
When it comes to menopause or IWD, are we just yelling into the void?
Are we really letting the guys (or those without ovaries) into the conversation? Or do they think IWD is just a “night out with the gals” and an opportunity to watch the golf?
Don’t get me wrong, sisterhood is vital! We’re a force to be reckoned with in a group. But maybe it's time we figure out who we’re broadcasting our message to. This IWD, let’s step out of the echo chamber. How can we bring guys into the conversation and make it one gigantic group chat?
Thoughts, anyone?
Until next month

Is Menopause Getting Worse? Scientists Say It Is
Scientists have found that newer generations of women (35%) are dealing with more daily hot flashes compared with 24% of their predecessors. Is it because we’re more vocal about it now compared to previous generations? Or are environmental, social, and genetic factors turning up the heat? This article attempts to unravel the mystery.
Sip Or Skip? Navigating Caffeine And Cortisol
If you’ve found yourself feeling restless, disappointed or less happy in your 40s and 50s – you’re not alone. Researchers have found we often hit the bottom of the happiness hill in midlife. So how do we climb back out of the proverbial pit?
In this episode of the Thriving in Menopause podcast, clinical psychologist Dr. Emmanuella Murray shares how to set yourself on the path to happiness. Spoiler alert, it’s got nothing to do with achievements, materialism, status, or wealth. And the best part?
It’s a quick 16-minute listen – perfect for your lunch break.
Is Testosterone The Missing Piece Of The Menopause Puzzle?
This March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, and the buzz around testosterone’s potential to ease endometriosis pain, revitalise sex drive, energy, and mental clarity, is growing. However, a debate is brewing over whether it’s truly a silver bullet for symptoms. This article unpacks what symptoms testosterone can tackle, why it’s hard to access, whether the hype is real, and what it means for the average menopausal woman.